Sunday, 28 May 2017


This is our home for the remainder of our rock picking job.  It's great to have the caravan and car under cover.
The view of our backyard with a rainbow in the distance.
Not a day goes by that we don't see at least one rainbow.  It's a magical place!
The sun is rising on a foggy morning and there are thousands of spider webs highlighted throughout the paddock.
Not only are there lots of spiders, including big redbacks, there are also quite a few scorpions under the rocks.
It's not all work and no play......lunch at the New Norcia pub was tasty along with their "Abbey Ale"!

Saturday, 20 May 2017

"Rock Picking".....

Our first view of the house we will be living in for the next 6 weeks.  We've started a job on a huge wheat and sheep farm north east of Perth in the Wheatbelt.  Our job is simply to pick up rocks and sticks in the paddocks so that when the wheat is harvested the blades on the machines are safe from damage.
The size of property is mind boggling.  Some of the runs up the paddocks are 2km long!
Here I am standing on the side step of "Elki" the land cruiser ute.  One person drives up and down the paddock and the other stands on the side step ready to jump off and pick up the rocks and sticks.
Once the tray is full of rock we unload it and start up again.

Saturday, 13 May 2017


Free camping at Cosy Corner near Albany - top spot!
Tac is still catching herring off the beach.
The famous "Dog Rock" in Albany but.....'s not as good as the real thing!
The Gap in Albany is an overhang into the ocean...
.....and Tac is having a good look over the edge.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Southern WA....

We started the week with a big wave from this cutie in Augusta!
Next stop was a campground with a funny toilet made out of an old Landrover.
The Big Brook State Forest was breathtaking with the
 super tall very regal Karri trees..... was Warren Natinal Park.
Mandalay Beach was another highlight....
.....and Conspicuous Bay proved fruitful with Tac catching....

....quite a few herring!