Sunday, 24 May 2015

Red Dirt & Boxing

Left White Cliffs and hit the red dirt tracks towards Wanaaring.
Camped on the Paroo River in Wanaaring and threw in a few yabby pots.

The tranquil Paroo River.
Our first cook up of yabbies they were bloody tasty!

Through the dog fence and into Queensland.
A terrific old pub in Hungerford that sold cold xxxx.

Look what a little bit of  rain does.....

Tac (in Eulo) with his head underneath a rather large creature - not quite sure what it is??
We were lucky enough to be in Cunnamulla when the annual show was on and witnessed a few bouts in Fred Brophy's famous boxing tent.  Fred travels around outback Australia with a troupe of  boxers who challenge anyone in the crowd to have a go.  It was one of the most entertaining afternoons we have had in a long while - well worth the $20.

A bit of biffo!

A local woman challenges 'The Brazilian' a female kickboxer.


  1. U guys r having obviously the best time ! Those yabbies look delish.
    Tac I ran over Gregs gnome yesterday!!!!! He was gutted. have ordered him another one!!
    Happy and safe travels xoxo

  2. Sue how could you.....hope that is not an omen. Let's hope the postie is quick to send another one xx
